Sunday, September 30, 2018

New Scratch Studio for the Gospel from Scratch!

If you've been waiting for some news about the Gospel from Scratch, you have to know that now there is a studio all about it in

Go and click on:

Please share or remix if you want!

God bless.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Latin with colors!

If you want to learn latin in a new and engaging way, try this new visual method:

The Gospel from Scratch

The Gospel from Scratch (or GfS) is a learning method to inspire the young and the not-so-young to approach the Gospel of Jesus in four simple steps, to know Him better, to follow Him nearer, to love Him more. It is based on clear suggestions from great spiritual saints, who helped thousands of people to pray better with the Gospel. To pray like any of the men, women and children who had the opportunity to listen to and see Jesus face-to-face.

You can read it at